Whether it's PvP, PvE or industry, your personalized My Year in EVE video tracks and celebrates your activity in New Eden across 2019. Watch it now, enjoy recounting those victories, advancements and mishaps, then share it on social media using #MyEVE2019!
Only Capsuleers who have been in Omega Clone State for 1 month or more during 2019 and meet the required criteria will receive a personalized My Year in EVE video. Player videos will summarize all characters associated with a single email address. Hopefully you will all enjoy sharing your favorite statistics from an eventful year!
In addition, if you share any of your standout moments from EVE in 2019 - including screenshots, stories or videos - also using #MyEVE2019, you can win PLEX, SKIN codes and signed copies of the Frigates of EVE - Limited Edition book! Winners will be selected at random.
无论是PVP中,PVE或生产制造, 记录2019年本命年伊甸园属于你的个性化EVE视频记录,讲述你的PVP,PVE,生产制造的数据,赶紧在社交平台上分享吧#我的EVE2019#